Hilo oficial 1.6

Tema en 'The Division 1' iniciado por avalaaancha, 15 Dic 2016.

  1. Justerini55

    Justerini55 Capitán de Tropa

    Me Gusta recibidos:
    No había visto el sotg y al final han dicho que quieren probar lo subir el daño al cuerpo en last stand pero que son conscientes que no ha gustado mucho esa medida ,que su intención era poder matar desde más lejos ,y que no descartan quitarlo y dejarlo como antes , al menos escuchan el feedback

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    A Darkbullyeray y avalaaancha les gusta esto.
  2. SkArPoX

    SkArPoX Agente The Division

    Me Gusta recibidos:
    In this week’s State of the Game, the PTS was the main focus - what did not work in the current version of the PTS and what will be changed in PTS 2.

    PTS Week 1
    A lot has happened in the first PTS week
    • It was an early build and while it had some bugs and some things were not implemented, it still provided valuable data
    • Deltas and Mikes are logged so that they can be fixed
    • However, many weapons were unbalanced and broken and this will change in PTS2.
    • Week 1 did not contain the ETF feedback, because they did not have enough time to implement it.

    Broken items in PTS1
    • Valkyrie becomes Hildr & Eir - Hildr (critical hit damage buff increase) / Eir (decrease)
    • Hungry Hog – will only be able to get a 50% damage buff (5 stacks – 10% each)
    • Seeker will change: After two body-shots, you get a headshot buff – so you need precision to capitalize on the buff. (You keep the buff until you land a headshot) But this is also work in progress. (2 piece is Resist All buff / 3 piece is a 6% body shot damage increase)

    PTS 2
    Build is almost ready
    • Will contain more things than listed here (will be published in the patch notes)
    • Will include Last Stand game mode
    • Normalization in Last Stand will also be tested on the PTS2
    • We currently have no date when it will be deployed

    Changes to Weapons
    • Urban MDR – 65% Damage increase (interesting for Sentry / Firecrest / Seekr)
    • Historian – Explosion sound have been fixed
    • Showstopper – increased base damage

    Changes to Gear
    • Free base health buff of 80k on Tier 5
    • That should give you enough survivability so that you can also pick other stats you have not picked before
    • General housecleaning in the stats – some got removed and some got added that should support your playstyle better (Critical Hit Chance for example)
    • Holster can roll reload speed for example
    • Damage to elites becomes minor stat; Enemy armor damage becomes major (because all enemies have armor but are not always elite)
    • The goal is that you can get more useful stats in comparison to now => less RNG

    Hipfire changes
    • Should be a panic reaction and not something to do damage
    • Adjusting spread and recoil by a high amount
    • Increasing PVP damage is also an option to encourage to aim instead of hipfire (not implemented yet)
    • Still work in progress

    How Normalization works in Last Stand (WIP)
    • All your gear will be maxed to 256 GS (you can go in with lower GS gear) and your stats will be buffed to the max possible rolls
    • Weapon Damage (Pistol damage etc) / Skillpower and Health buffs on your gear will get the same value
    • Weapons will be buffed to 256 GS – Talents will be activated based on the maxed out rolls (easier to unlock Weapon Talents)
    • Weapon Mods will not change - smaller stats like reload will be the same
    • Everybody has the same Damage Mitigation
    • Gear Set Bonus will applied as they are

    So while you keep your playstyle specific minor stats and the gear itself has less impact on the gameplay. That should also help players that only play a few hours a week. They will also try Last Stand without Normalization.

    Skillpower Changes
    • Skill haste should become a valuable stat
    • When you have low Skillpower the skills will regenerate faster
    • That should also help the solo player because you can heal yourself faster when you have focused on toughness

    • Is very powerful at the moment, so they are changing small values, so that you can’t revive through content that should have wiped you.
    • Revive time will be longer for example but this is still work in progress.

    NPC Accuracy Fixed
    • In some cases the NPCs had 100% accuracy, so the problem was hard to recreate.
    • That has been fixed and that should also have an impact on Legendary difficulty

    Legendary Difficulty
    • While it will get harder after some changes in PTS2 (Reclaimer or example)
    • The fix to the NPC accuracy will also make it easier
    • In the end it is designed to be the hardest content, so they want it to be difficult and not for everybody
    • That is also the reason, why no gear is locked behind Legendary Difficulty - the only exclusive rewards for Legendary is vanity items.

    Dead Eye
    • Is clunky to use right now - this will receive changes down the road

    Banshee Changes
    • Will become a Rogue Hunter set
    • When a rogue kills you, you get a 10 minutes damage buff against Rogue Agents to hunt them down
    • Will not help you in Last Stand

    Ninja Backpack
    • Works as designed – because it protects your loot, so that will not be changed

    Body Shot Buff
    • It is controversial, it is in the PTS, but they want to encourage players to attack on longer distances. At the moment is not sure at all, if that will make it to the live game

    Double XP Wekend

    • Is planned, but they don’t have a time/date for it now.
    • It is in the game, so they will use it some time

    Stash Size Increase
    • Will not happen any time soon

    A glorfindel le gusta esto.
  3. maty

    maty Agente Famosillo

    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Cómo funciona la normalización en Last Stand (WIP)
    • Todo su equipo será máximo a 256 GS (usted puede entrar con el engranaje más bajo de GS) y sus estadísticas serán pulidas al máximo posibles rollos
    • Los daños de las armas (daño de la pistola, etc) / habilidades de habilidad y salud en su equipo obtendrán el mismo valor
    • Las armas serán pulidas a 256 GS - Los talentos serán activados basados en los rollos maxed out (más fácil de desbloquear Weapon Talents)
    • Los Mods de armas no cambiarán - las estadísticas más pequeñas como la recarga serán las mismas
    • Todo el mundo tiene la misma mitigación de daños
    • El bono del conjunto de engranajes se aplicará tal y como están

    Para todos aquellos que creen que el PVP especifico que llegara a división durara.
  4. Justerini55

    Justerini55 Capitán de Tropa

    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Personalmente me parece bien una idea de normalización en un modo determinado de pvp, y más sabiendo que hay matchmaking encima , pero la cuestión es que den con la tecla de mantener la identidad de tu build , a priori no me parece mal lo que van a probar

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  5. avalaaancha

    avalaaancha Salón de la Fama

    Me Gusta recibidos:
    La primera vez que lo leí me pareció mas un campo de pruebas que otra cosa, me explico; Empezarán poniendo modos así, si lo balancean bien, dan con la tecla y gusta, no te extrañes que la futura ZO sea así, balanceada y diferenciados los personajes por sus set y/o roles. Tipo Destiny....
  6. almyden79

    almyden79 Agente Famosillo

    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Habrá que esperar a probarlo yo aun así echo de menos una arena ya sea en solitario por parejas o escuadras enteras para medir realmente tus fuerzas con los sets tal cual sin restricciones.
    Y también me habría gustado en su día PVP en subsuelo 2 o mas patrullas diferentes caminos un objetivo en común y en el centro liarse de lo lindo y el que gane se lo lleva por ejemplo.
    A avalaaancha y Santiago cuartas les gusta esto.
  7. Suarez-Spain

    Suarez-Spain Agente Famosillo

    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Gear Sets

    ¿Que pensais de lo que esta marcado en negrita? Estoy flipando....


    After the first round of PTS testing and community feedback, it became clear that the initial direction with this set was wrong. The proposed mechanic was promoting Hip Firing when we were trying to encourage more interesting gameplay. The overall bonuses provided with the 2 and 3-piece bonus was also too strong.
    The proposed changes should rebalance the 2 and 3-piece bonus, and turn this set into more of a skill based long range combat set, particularly interesting for Marksman Rifle users.
    • Set Bonus (2): +10% All Resistance (instead of +10% Body shot Damage)
    • Set Bonus (3): +5% Body shot Damage (instead of +30% Critical Hit Damage)
    • Set Bonus (4): After 2 consecutive shots to the body, the next headshot will have +200% Headshot Damage bonus. (instead of “the next shot is a guaranteed critical hit”)

    Urban MDR

    Requested by many, the Urban MDR is finally receiving a damage boost to bring it more on par with other Exotic weapons. The damage boost might seem huge, but we wanted to bring it more on par with Marksman Rifles since it handles similarly.
    • Base damage increased by 65%.
    • Distracted: Damage bonus increased to 18%. (instead of 10%)
  8. VSengir

    VSengir Esperanza de Nueva York

    Me Gusta recibidos:
    No te diré lo que pienso vaya que alguien se ofenda y estoy cansado de broncas x gilipolleces.... Pero no entiendo como cambian completamente en 1 semana un nuevo set que se supone que llevaban tiempo pensando antes de lanzarlo....sin ni siquiera intentar balancearlo y ajustarlo para lo que había sido ideado inicialmemte....

    Set Bonus (2): +10% All Resistance (instead of +10% Body shot Damage)

    Set Bonus (3): +5% Body shot Damage (instead of +30% Critical Hit Damage)

    Set Bonus (4): After 2 consecutive shots to the body, the next headshot will have +200% Headshot Damage bonus. (instead of “the next shot is a guaranteed critical hit”)

    Mi sensación.... Seguimos dando palos de ciego y giros de 180° a la minima de cambio, lo cual me desanima bastante.

    Banshee... Darle buffo del 20% al que es matado x rogues....pies nada seguiremos con corritos de la patata en zo de capullos esperando a que te pongas rogue para seguir subiendo su triste estadística. Pues nada...jueguen caballeros.

    El resto pues a saber...que mas da, esto cambia cada semana...así que ya se verá.

    Enviado desde mi LG-H850 mediante Tapatalk
    A edi38 le gusta esto.
  9. Justerini55

    Justerini55 Capitán de Tropa

    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Por partes ,lo primero decir que aún es pts y están buscando el balance ,ósea eso no tiene por qué ser lo que llegue en el parche 1.6 ,puede ser más,menos o completamente diferente .
    En cuanto al seekr me alegro que lo hayan cambiado ,lo inicialmente propuesto era una putisima locura , esto cambia el uso completamente y si bien hablan de francos y RA yo lo veo solo para francos ,al menos el talento de las 4 piezas ,el de 2 y el de 3 Talvez para combinar pero tampoco veo gran cosa fuera de francos ,eso si en pvp dos tiros al cuerpo y el tercero en la chorla es punto de control directo , coherente teniendo en cuenta que es un francotirador en mi opinión .
    En cuanto al mdr ahora mismo no vale ni para tomar por culo con esa relación daño/cadencia ,obviamente no sé si la solución es un 65% pero subir el daño desde luego para que sea viable ,por cadencia está más cerca de los francos que de otras armas por lo cual el daño debe asemejarse y entiendo/espero que verán si el 65% está bien o tienen que bajarlo algo.

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    A avalaaancha le gusta esto.
  10. maty

    maty Agente Famosillo

    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Joder el mdr si lo dejan bien pues puede resucitar vigilante.
  11. Suarez-Spain

    Suarez-Spain Agente Famosillo

    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Vigilante para PVP esta hablando?
    YO juego con vigilante en PVE y tengo una configuracion magnifica
  12. Suarez-Spain

    Suarez-Spain Agente Famosillo

    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Que no vale para nada ahora? JUAS JUAS JUAS

  13. Justerini55

    Justerini55 Capitán de Tropa

    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Tu juegas como el ? Si se matara como mata el no crees que lo llevaría más gente ?

    Enviado desde mi iPhone utilizando Tapatalk
    A avalaaancha y Vaal75 les gusta esto.
  14. Ruppermain

    Ruppermain Recien Llegado

    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Recién estoy empezando a jugar a este juego. No consigo subir al piso de arriba de las tiendas de tela. Por la parte de fuera se ve una escalera iluminada por donde supongo que e de bajar, según parece hay que bajar desde la azotea y luego introducirse por las ventanas para coger las telas de ese piso. pero no consigo llegar hay. alguien me puede ayudar?
  15. yojuhomi

    yojuhomi Agente Famosillo

    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Con ese set, esa subida del MDR y torreta de fuego pueden estar muy interesante esas misiones en legendario..
    A Isaacmg le gusta esto.
  16. BOA_Lermi

    BOA_Lermi Capitán de Tropa

    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Ya han abierto last stand y con un montón de cambios

    Enviado desde mi LG-D855 mediante Tapatalk
    A avalaaancha le gusta esto.
  17. Suarez-Spain

    Suarez-Spain Agente Famosillo

    Me Gusta recibidos:
    No juego como el porque cada uno juega de una manera eso lo primero y lo segundo no lo tiene la gente porque no te lo regalan comprando un paquete de pipas :)
    Última edición: 27 Ene 2017
  18. SkArPoX

    SkArPoX Agente The Division

    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Cambios para hoy 27 con actualizacion de 7.71 GB del PTS.

    Before beginning these patch notes, we want to take a moment to talk about the reasons behind the main changes coming with this new PTS build.

    With the opening of Last Stand, we want to try something that has never been done with PvP in The Division: Normalization. The idea is to reduce the importance of gear building in PvP to leave more room for skilled gameplay. While a player with good and optimized gear will always have an edge, a less geared one should still have a fighting chance to ensure a fairer experience. Note that the Normalization formula listed below is a first version that we want to test on the PTS, and will probably evolve greatly before (if at all) implementation in Update 1.6.
    The same goes for changes such as Body shot damage or reload while sprinting. We know that these can be controversial and have been heavily debated already, but we want to test these changes on the PTS and see how they impact your gameplay. This does not mean that they will be implemented in Update 1.6. It will all depend on the results of PTS testing, and your feedback on the resulting experience.

    An important thing to note about Health and Armor changes, is that our intention is to move away from a meta where players could stack damage mitigation and face-tank enemies without having to worry about their positioning or using covers. We do want health and survivability to be a thing, but it should not mean that you can run straight to the enemy in the open and not be punished for it. Above all, good survivability should come in conjunction with the ability of positioning and using the environment.

    Finally, you will notice that we went as far as having a complete pass on Gear bonuses in this PTS. The purpose is to try to offer more valuable choices for you to pick from when min-maxing your build, and removing the bonuses that were always disregarded as useless. The end goal with these bonuses changes together with the Health and Skill Power changes is to make specializing into different builds more valuable, and make sure that you always have interesting options to push gear optimization one step further no matter if you’re going for DPS, tank, support, or any other kind of gameplay style you are looking for.

    Here is the list of changes deployed during the PTS update of January 27. Note that all comparative values here are related to what was available in PTS 1, and not the live version. We have also updated the Global Patch Notes for better comparison with the live version of the game.

    Last Stand
    Last Stand is now activated and available to all Season Pass owners.
    Last Stand Gear normalization is activated: When entering a match of Last Stand, character stats will be modified in order to bring a more stable balance to player versus player combat.
    • Gear pieces:
      • Automatically increase to Gear Score 256.
      • Main attributes (Firearms, Stamina, Electronics) will be increased to the maximum roll of the existing stat on each equipped piece.
      • The following bonuses will be uniformly scaled:
        • Weapon type damage
        • Skill Power
        • Health
      • All other bonuses remain unchanged.
    • Weapons:
      • Automatically increase to Gear Score 256.
      • Base damage is set to the maximum possible for this weapon.
      • Talents unlock based on the normalized main attributes.
      • Mods act as normal.
      • Other stats (RPM, Reload speed, etc) are unchanged.
    • All players will be set to the same armor mitigation value.
    • Players talents, Gear Sets bonuses and Weapon Sets bonuses function as normal.

    Game changes
    • It will no longer be possible to reload while sprinting.
    • Increased Hip-fire penalties: Weapon spread is now wider while stability and recoil are also more impacted.
    • Dark Zone: Koreatown is no longer classified as a Landmark.

    Gear Sets
    After the first round of PTS testing and community feedback, it became clear that the initial direction with this set was wrong. The proposed mechanic was promoting Hip Firing when we were trying to encourage more interesting gameplay. The overall bonuses provided with the 2 and 3-piece bonus was also too strong.
    The proposed changes should rebalance the 2 and 3-piece bonus, and turn this set into more of a skill based long range combat set, particularly interesting for Marksman Rifle users.
    • Set Bonus (2): +10% All Resistance (instead of +10% Body shot Damage)
    • Set Bonus (3): +5% Body shot Damage (instead of +30% Critical Hit Damage)
    • Set Bonus (4): After 2 consecutive shots to the body, the next headshot will have +200% Headshot Damage bonus. (instead of “the next shot is a guaranteed critical hit”)

    Banshee’s Shadow
    Many of you have been asking for a change to Banshee following the change to DZ rules where non-Rogue players no longer lose DZ XP and funds when dying.
    With the proposed change, we want to push the fantasy of the “Rogue Hunter” a bit further by providing a “revenge” type of bonus.
    • Set Bonus (4):
      • While Rogue, all ammo is completely refilled every 30 seconds. Damage takent from non-rogue players reduced by 10%. (no change)
      • While not Rogue, Damage to Rogue players is increased by 10%. This bonus is increased to 20% for 10 minutes after being killed by a rogue. (instead of no DZ experience and funds lost on death)

    Tactician’s Authority
    To be more in line with the new Skill Haste values, we have increased the Skill Haste bonus of Tactician.
    • Set Bonus (2): 15% Skill Haste.

    Hildr & Eir
    Obviously, the set bonus provided by these weapons didn’t work correctly as the Hildr could benefit from its own critical damage bonus. This has now been fixed.
    • Valkyria: Each hit with Hildr increases critical hit damage by 1% to a max of 30. The bonus decreases by 1 every second. This bonus only applies to Eir.

    Urban MDR
    Requested by many, the Urban MDR is finally receiving a damage boost to bring it more on par with other Exotic weapons. The damage boost might seem huge, but we wanted to bring it more on par with Marksman Rifles since it handles similarly.
    • Base damage increased by 65%.
    • Distracted: Damage bonus increased to 18%. (instead of 10%)

    To make it more unique, we have changed the name of this weapon. We also increase its damage slightly.
    • FAMAS is now called Bullfrog
    • Base damage increased by 11.7%.

    We received a lot of feedback on the healing debuff of the Midas and decided to preserve the debuff idea, but with a different angle.
    • Midas: Each bullet you hit with reduces your damage by 1% and your target's damage by 1% to a max of 20%. The effect is reduced by 5% per second.

    Requested by many, the showstopper is finally receiving some love with this new PTS build.
    • Base damage increased by 11%.

    Hungry Hog
    It became obvious during the PTS that the current instalment of the Glutton talent could lead to ridiculous amount of damage. We have decided to limit the amount of bonus damage that can be received from its talent.
    • Glutton now provides 10% extra damage per kill and can stack up to 5 times.

    It was reported on the PTS that the explosion sound of the Historian was a bit too loud, and could disturb gameplay significantly.
    • Explosion sound of the Historian has been lowered.

    • Base damage increased by 4%.
    • Damage falloff at range reduced by 40%.

    Gear stats
    With the last PTS, we removed Armor as a gear bonus and replaced it with Health. While we consider this to be a step in the right direction, we also noticed that the Health bonus was still too strong and that Health remained a Best in Slot choice in many cases.
    In order to address that and make other choices just as interesting, we have decided to lower Health bonuses but also implement a new concept: Base Health which is determined by the World Tier you are currently in.
    The end result means that players who don’t invest in Health will have more Health than in the last PTS, while players who invest heavily will remain at similar levels. This should make for a more consistent Time to Be Killed.

    On top of the already known changes to Toughness and Skill Power, we also had a pass on all Gear bonuses: getting rid of those that were deemed uninteresting, replacing them with more interesting choices as well as making sure that each piece had options available for damage, tanking or support.
    (the changes listed below do not include Armor being turned into Health and Health turned into All Resistance)
    -bonus is removed
    +bonus is added
    =bonus remains
    • -Damage to Elite
    • -Damage from Elite
    • +Skill Haste
    • +Enemy Armor Damage
    • =Health
    • =Health on Kill
    • =Exotic Damage Resilience
    • =All Resistance

    • -Skill Haste
    • -Signature Skill Resource Gain
    • +Weapon Stability
    • =Health
    • =Critical Hit Damage
    • =Skill Power

    • -Damage to Elite
    • +Enemy Armor Damage
    • =Critical Hit Chance
    • =Health on Kill
    • =Exotic Damage Resilience
    • =Skill Power
    • =All Resistance

    • -Damage to Elite
    • +Enemy Armor Damage
    • +Skill Haste
    • =Critical Hit Chance
    • =Critical Hit Damage
    • =Health on Kill
    • =Assault rifle Damage
    • =LMG Damage
    • =Marksman rifle Damage
    • =Shotgun Damage
    • =SMG Damage
    • =Pistol Damage

    • -Damage to Elite
    • -Damage from Elite
    • +Enemy Armor Damage
    • +Skill Power
    • =Health
    • =Critical Hit Damage
    • =Exotic Damage Resilience
    • =All Resistance

    • -Damage from Elite
    • -Pistol Damage
    • +Critical Hit Chance
    • +Reload Speed
    • =Health
    • =Skill Haste

    Other changes to stats:
    • Enemy Armor Damage is now a Major bonus and no longer a Minor.
    • Damage to Elites is now a Minor bonus and no longer a Major.
    • Damage from Elite values has been halved.
    • Pistol Damage is doubled on gloves.

    With all these changes to Gear stats, here are the details of how existing gear should convert with this update.
    • It is important to note that “new bonuses” will not all be available on existing gear when recalibrating. Some will be automatically changed, others will be available when recalibrating, and others won't be available at all. A more detailed list will be published later.
    • If you had a native Armor bonus (not recalibrated), it will be turned into health.
    • If you had a recalibrated Armor bonus, the recalibration will reset and you will be back to the initial bonus when the item was acquired.
    • If you had a native Health bonus (not recalibrated), it will be turned into All Resistance.
    • If you had a recalibrated Health bonus in Kneepads, the Health roll will remain.
    • If you had a recalibrated Health bonus in Chestpiece and no native armor roll on this piece, the Health roll will remain.
    • If you had a recalibrated Health bonus in Chestpiece and a native armor roll on this piece, the recalibration will reset as you would otherwise end up with 2 Health bonuses.
    • If you had a recalibrated Health bonus in any other Gear Piece, the recalibration will reset.
    • If you had a recalibrated Skill Haste bonus on your backpack, the recalibration will reset
    • If you had a recalibrated Pistol Damage bonus on your holster, and the holster was acquired after update 1.5, the recalibration will reset
    • If you had a recalibrated Enemy Armor Damage or Damage to Elite and the item was acquired after update 1.5, the recalibration will reset
    • All recalibration on Exotic weapons will reset
    • Unique talents on Exotic weapons cannot be recalibrated
    • Free talents on Exotic weapons that don’t have a Unique talent (Liberator, Centurion, Eir and Hildr) can be recalibrated
    • Note that when a recalibration resets, the money spent will be reimbursed, based on the recalibration costs of Update 1.6. Since recalibration now has a cost cap, if the initial recalibration costed more, you will only be reimbursed according to this cap. Note that recalibrations will not be reimbursed on the PTS as recalibrations cost 0.

    After this first PTS, we noticed that Skill Power builds have had a second life and have started to shine. This is a good thing, but it shouldn’t become a new extreme that makes any other kind of build worthless. We will keep monitoring the situation for future PTS updates.
    We are also aware that First Aid is considered too weak in its new version, which hurts solo players. We will address the issue if it persists, however, we want to give some more time to the community to adapt to the new meta before doing any changes on the skill.
    For the time being, we decided to modify Skill Power’s impact on cooldowns to help players who have low Skill Power, and make more room for Skill Haste as a valuable stat. We also rebalanced a few skills that appeared to be slightly too strong in PTS 1.
    Updated the impact of Skill Power on all skills’ cooldowns. The result is that Skill Power will have less of an impact on cooldowns, leading to slightly faster cooldowns for players with low Skill Power and slightly slower ones for players with high Skill Power compared to their cooldowns in PTS 1.

    Sticky Bomb
    • Disruptor: Explosion radius increased to 9 meters.

    With this very large radius, Dirsuptor becomes a strong counter to skill proxies such as Turrets, Support Stations or Seeker Mines.

    Support Station
    • All mods: Radius decreased from 8 meters to 6 meters.
    • All mods: Healing rate decreased by 16.7%.
    • Life Support: Revive time increased from 3 seconds to 5 seconds.

    The base stats of the Support Station were a bit too strong, especially in combination with the Reclaimer gear set.

    We had a quick pass at Vendors costs to take into account the addition of Exotic items.
    • Exotic items sold at Vendors have had their prices slightly increased.
    • Gear Set items have been lowered to be equivalent to High End prices.

    Legendary Difficulty
    Our goal with Legendary Difficulty is to add an activity specially tailored for very optimized players. Thus, we purposely designed it to not be achievable by everyone. With that said, we also want to make sure the experience is fair, and that failing feels deserved or at least understandable.
    • Slightly decreased accuracy, aiming and weapon spread of NPCs.
    • Several updates to NPC behavior in Legendary Mode.
    • Slightly increase NPC damage to compensate for accuracy and aiming changes.

    Bug fixes
    • Fixed a bug where NPCs would often get perfect aim.
    • Fixed a bug where Hildr was still named Valkyria.
    • Fixed a bug where Incursions weekly rewards would not correctly contain an Exotic Cache.
    • Fixed a bug where Exotic weapons would end up with incoherent talent requirements if they had been recalibrated before the update.
    • Fixed a bug where Skill Haste value was not correctly doubled on Gear Mods.
    • Fixed a bug where the collision in The Armory landmark did not match the geometry.
    • Modified some roamer paths in the DZ to reduce amount of AI that can be pulled into engagements.
    • Player can now fast travel to all DZ gates, including the ones along Central Park Wall.
    • Fixed a bug where Uncomplicated could be recalibrated.
    • Fixed a bug where Tactician’s Authority 4-piece buff would be lost after 10 seconds if not consumed by using a skill.
    • Fixed a bug where the Quickdraw talent on Damascus had attributes requirements.
    • Fixed a bug where the Glutton talent on Hungry Hog would provide more bonus damage than intended.
    • Fixed a bug where mods could be unequipped randomly when relogging into the game.
    • Fixed a bug where Dark Zone leaderboards would not work properly.
    • Fixed a bug where High End weapons only had 3 talents available when recalibrating instead of 6.

    A avalaaancha le gusta esto.
  19. Justerini55

    Justerini55 Capitán de Tropa

    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Ya vi que quitaste el "crack" que sonaba un poco a rin tin tin, no sé cómo lo entendiste pero no te lo dije mal ,yo no tengo ningún problema en afirmar que ese tío es mucho mejor que yo en pvp y mata con un platano afilado, se ha hecho builds con todo tipo de armas y mata por qué es un fiera , aunque ya veo que tu tiraste balones fuera diciendo que cada uno juega de una manera ;) por otro lado barret es súper jodido de conseguir (bastante más que el mdr) y lo lleva todo dios ,así que sino te matan habitualmente con ese arma no crees que será por algo? Y más aún ,si lo van a subir un 65% el daño no crees que no soy el único que piensa lo mismo ?

    Enviado desde mi iPhone utilizando Tapatalk
  20. avalaaancha

    avalaaancha Salón de la Fama

    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Hombre, entendería tu comentario si hubiesen lanzado ese set en la versión final del juego, pero que hagan cambios en el pts no lo veo mal.

    Cualquier set que tenemos ahora estoy seguro que ni se parece a la primera vez que escribieron los talentos en un papel antes de programarlos, ahora lo único que al ser PTS te enteras de los cambios, antes solo veías la versión definitiva.
    Última edición: 28 Ene 2017

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