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Hilo oficial 1.6

Tema en 'The Division 1' iniciado por avalaaancha, 15 Dic 2016.

  1. maty

    maty Agente Famosillo

    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Tengo entendido que lo que querían hacer era que un npc tuviera mucha mas protección que vida y por ende que con mucho dañó a protección los fundiríamos fácilmente. En PVP creo que eso lo cambian (otra vez) porque ahora no tenemos casi protección y volvemos a tener salud únicamente. Habrá que ver al final como queda todo por ahora no hay nada fijo y los cambios de hoy mañana son otros
    A glorfindel le gusta esto.
  2. glorfindel

    glorfindel Azote de Rikers

    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Gracias @Decooy y @maty por vuestras respuestas ya que es algo que tenia dudas
  3. Justerini55

    Justerini55 Capitán de Tropa

    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Ya te lo dije hombre de poca fe jajaja además lo pasan a atributo principal en piezas en lugar de secundario y daño/resistencia a élites al revés , entiendo que con las protecciones en torno al 10% menos será un pelin menos efectivo pero no creo que varíe mucho y Es incremento de daño que compensará seguro .
    Edito:justo después he leído la respuesta de decooy ,sorry

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  4. Justerini55

    Justerini55 Capitán de Tropa

    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Uuummm creo que te estás liando con la explicación que dieron en el sotg del cambio , dijeron que pasa a principal por qué daño a protección vale contra todos los enemigos y pvp tb y daño/resistencia contra élites solo en amarillos ,y por eso uno subía a atributo principal y el otro a secundario .con respecto a que casi no tenemos protección no varía tanto solo que para subir dureza tendremos que recurrir a salud pero se supone que daño a la protección va a funcionar prácticamente igual

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  5. SkArPoX

    SkArPoX Agente The Division

    Me Gusta recibidos:
    PTS - Health changes explained

    Hi there,

    There's been a lot of discussion and confusion regarding the changes we did with Armor and Health with this PTS, so we've put together a FAQ that should help you better understand our intentions.

    Q: Why was Armor changed to Health?
    A: In 1.4 and 1.5, Armor was perceived as the best in slot bonus for gear. It made the game stale and choices in how to customize your character very narrow. Much of this was because Armor is a non-linear stat. 1% of it when you are at 50% mitigation is better than 1% when you were at 30% mitigation in that it will result in more damage resisted. So the more you invested, the better it got. Furthermore, Armor only mitigates bullet damage; even with a high toughness, players had low health pools “behind the scenes”. This meant that explosions, fire and other hazards did large amounts of damage even when your toughness looked high. It also meant that healing skills had very little Health to have an impact on, meaning we did not have any room for them to be more or less efficient depending on your Skill Power.

    Q: Will I be squishier now with less Armor?
    A: Toughness is a value that combines Armor and Health to show you the amount of bullet damage it takes to kill you. Basically every bullet is reduced in damage according to your Armor. 50% mitigation would reduce the bullets damage by 50% et.c. This means that if you have less Armor, but more health, the bullet will do more damage, but on a larger health pool, which means it will still take the same amount of bullets to kill you. The bigger health pool also means you can take more of a beating from explosions, fire and the like, so in a sense you are less squishy than before.

    Q: Why won’t +Health become “must-pick”?
    A: A couple of reasons. Firstly, it is linear. It does not get better the more you stack it. That means you are freer to pick it up to a point you are comfortable with and then pick some other major bonuses up. Secondly, we have reduced the size of this bonus to make it a little less enticing to pick against other stats. Lastly, we buffed or introduced other stats in the major slots to compete with +Health for interesting choices.

    Q: But if you reduced the +Health major bonus, wont I be squishier?
    A: We also introduced an amount of “free” Base health that derives from your level and which World Tier you are in. This means that everyone gets more survivability but the max you can reach is a little lower. Only very tanky players should feel the difference.

    Q: I am a tank and invested everything into toughness stats. Won’t I be squishier than before?
    A: You are a bit. However, the tools of a tank - like the ballistic shield and to a lesser degree mobile cover - as well as the healing of your support players, have improved.

    Q: Did you change how much stamina is worth too?
    A: Yes. As part of moving some of the “must-pick” health into the new free health pool, we adjusted the value of stamina at end game. It used to be 30 health per stamina, and is now 15. This is compensated by the free base health.

    Q: Will Skill power and Electronics be the only viable builds now?
    A: The goal of all these changes is to make a large variety of builds viable. Currently on the test servers, we are seeing very good efficiency for support players, while we see DPS and tank builds struggling to compete. We will be adjusting both the efficiency of the skill builds at the top end as well as improving the utilities of skills for DPS and tank players so that they can compete.

    A avalaaancha le gusta esto.
  6. maty

    maty Agente Famosillo

    Me Gusta recibidos:

    Ha habido mucha discusión y confusión con respecto a los cambios que hicimos con Armour and Health con este PTS, por lo que hemos elaborado un FAQ que debería ayudarle a entender mejor nuestras intenciones.

    P: ¿Por qué Armor cambió a Salud?
    R: En 1.4 y 1.5, Armor fue percibido como el mejor en la bonificación de la ranura para el engranaje. Hizo el juego rancio y las opciones en cómo personalizar su carácter muy estrecho. Gran parte de esto fue porque Armor es una estadística no lineal. 1% de la misma cuando usted está en el 50% de mitigación es mejor que el 1% cuando estaba en el 30% de mitigación en que resultará en más daño resistido. Así que cuanto más invirtió, mejor. Además, Armor sólo mitiga el daño de bala; Incluso con una alta tenacidad, los jugadores tenían bajas piscinas de salud "detrás de las escenas". Esto significó que las explosiones, el fuego y otros peligros hicieron grandes cantidades de daño incluso cuando su dureza parecía alta. También significaba que las habilidades de curación tenían muy poca salud para tener un impacto en, lo que significa que no tienen ningún espacio para que sean más o menos eficientes en función de su poder de habilidad.

    P: ¿Seré más squishier ahora con menos armadura?
    R: Dureza es un valor que combina armadura y salud para mostrarle la cantidad de daño de bala que se necesita para matarlo. Básicamente cada bala se reduce en daño según su armadura. 50% de mitigación reduciría el daño de las balas en un 50% etc.c. Esto significa que si tienes menos armadura, pero más salud, la bala hará más daño, pero en una piscina de salud más grande, lo que significa que seguirá tomando la misma cantidad de balas para matarte. La mayor piscina de salud también significa que usted puede tomar más de una paliza de explosiones, fuego y similares, por lo que en un sentido que son menos blandas que antes.

    P: ¿Por qué la salud + no se convierte en "must-pick"?
    R: Un par de razones. En primer lugar, es lineal. No mejora a medida que se apila. Eso significa que usted es más libre de recoger hasta un punto que se sienta cómodo con y luego elegir algunos otros bonos importantes. En segundo lugar, hemos reducido el tamaño de este bono para que sea un poco menos atractivo para elegir contra otras estadísticas. Por último, hemos pulido o introducido otras estadísticas en las máquinas tragamonedas para competir con + Salud por opciones interesantes.

    P: Pero si redujiste el bono de + Health major, ¿no seré más squishier?
    R: También introdujimos una cantidad de salud "gratuita" de la Base que deriva de tu nivel y en qué Nivel Mundial estás. Esto significa que cada uno obtiene más supervivencia pero el máximo que puedes alcanzar es un poco menor. Sólo los jugadores muy tanky deben sentir la diferencia.

    Q: Soy un tanque e invertido todo en estadísticas de tenacidad. ¿No seré más squishier que antes?
    A: Usted es un poco. Sin embargo, las herramientas de un tanque - como el escudo balístico y en menor grado la cubierta móvil - así como la curación de sus jugadores de apoyo, han mejorado.

    P: ¿Cambió la cantidad de resistencia que vale la pena también?
    R: Sí. Como parte de mover algunos de los "must-pick" de salud en la nueva piscina de salud gratuita, hemos ajustado el valor de la resistencia al final del juego. Solía tener 30 de salud por resistencia, y ahora es 15. Esto es compensado por la salud de base libre.

    P: ¿Podrá la habilidad poder y la electrónica ser las únicas construcciones viables ahora?
    R: El objetivo de todos estos cambios es hacer viable una gran variedad de construcciones. Actualmente en los servidores de prueba, estamos viendo muy buena eficiencia para los jugadores de soporte, mientras que vemos DPS y tanque de compilaciones luchando para competir. Vamos a ajustar tanto la eficiencia de la habilidad se basa en el extremo superior, así como mejorar las utilidades de las habilidades para DPS y los jugadores de tanque para que puedan competir.
    A glorfindel y rhuarcaiel les gusta esto.
  7. SkArPoX

    SkArPoX Agente The Division

    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Encontre este video donde MarcoStyle da su opinion respecto a porque esta roto el PTS 1.6

    A BOA_Lermi le gusta esto.
  8. Justerini55

    Justerini55 Capitán de Tropa

    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Por desgracia creo que coinciden casi todos en que ahora mismo está roto el 1.6 y que dar el 70% de protección en last stand es súper cagada , además de que rente más del doble llevar salud de atributo principal que potencia de habilidad y que cobertura ,minas y torretas están desfasadas.
    Lo positivo es que aún es pts y tiene solución

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    A SkArPoX le gusta esto.
  9. avalaaancha

    avalaaancha Salón de la Fama

    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Nueva versión mañana del PTS:

    PTS 3 is in the works and will be deployed in the days to come. A complete Patch Note will be published when all changes are made, but until then, we thought it would be interesting to share some of the learnings from PTS 2 with you.

    1. Reloading while sprinting
    We did an experiment on PTS2 with slowing the player to a run if he reloads while sprinting and interrupting reloads if he starts sprinting. The purpose was to make sure there was a rhythm to combat where the player has to consider that he will be more vulnerable, as sprinting makes the player hard to hit. This was meant to encourage cover use and longer range combat.
    What we saw though was that it created too big of a change to the feel of the game that players have grown accustomed to, especially in PvE. It also needed some more work to feel smooth and well supported in all cases.
    To that effect, we will remove the restrictions for the next PTS phase and you can again reload while sprinting.

    2. Normalization issues
    Our very first attempt at normalization was largely successful in creating a more balanced and equal PvP situation in the Last Stand game mode, reducing the impact of min-maxed gear while achieving the Time to Kill and Time to Be Killed that we are looking for.
    However, some changes will be made to the method for the next phase of testing. As the major bonuses on gear have been adjusted we now feel more comfortable letting them have an impact on the Last Stand Game mode balance and so will not be scaling them down as aggressively as before. We also have adjusted how we normalize armor and mitigation to even out the damage effectiveness of guns vs skills. Generally speaking, guns did the right amount of damage but skills did a little too much on PTS 2 Last Stand. We look forward to feedback on these changes in the next phase of the PTS.

    3. Skill power meta
    We saw the pendulum shift very quickly to builds focusing on electronics and Skill Power being the dominating ones on PTS 2. This was a result of a revamp of how skillpower scales, where we removed the diminishing returns and made investing heavily into that niche pay off. We are very happy to see Skill Power builds come back to life, but our goal is to have a large amount of different builds and playstyles viable, so we will be making adjustments accordingly:

    3a. Cooldowns & power of skills
    To make sure that other types of builds are more viable again, we’re making cooldowns at low Skill Power a little shorter than they were on PTS 2, allowing DPS, Balanced and Tank builds more frequent access to their tools. We’ve also made it so that Skill Power does not lower cooldowns as much as it did, meaning that we don’t reach quite as short cooldowns at high skill power levels as we did on PTS 2.
    We’ve also made adjustments to haste to reign in what was possible to achieve in terms of very fast cooldowns. More details to come in the patch notes, but we look forward to seeing how these adjustments feel to players on the next phase of the PTS

    3b. Support station range and overlap
    Support station became quite strong with the new Skill Power, and gained a lot of utility with the revamp to Reclaimer.
    On PTS 2, we tried a different range setting for it. This however turned out to be so small that it frustrated solo players relying on their support station, restricting them too much in their movement. To that effect, we’re increasing the base range and adjusting the bonus of Reclaimer down a little instead, to reduce the difference between the two versions.
    Furthermore, to make sure that we don’t get super-groups stacking multiple support stations for very large healing efficiency, we’re adding a system to prevent overlapping stations to all heal the same player.

    3c. Countering Skill Objects
    We observed that some skill objects, such as support stations, seeker mines and turrets, were too difficult to counter. We are making sure they are more vulnerable to elemental damage such as explosions and fire. It doesn’t mean they will be super squishy, just that they react more predictably to those effects.
    As requested by many, we’re also making the Disruptor Sticky Bomb detonate on impact to be easier to hit skill objects such as seeker mines with.

    3d. Seeker mines
    The Cluster variety of Seeker Mine was seen a lot on PTS 2. We believe that a fair tradeoff for getting multiple Seeker Mines on the cluster variety is that they do not stagger the enemy like the base one does. Therefore, we are removing that effect from them (Cluster only). They also will receive a change with cooldown increase and a shift of their damage where parts of the damage they deal will be moved from the initial explosion to the bleed effect afterwards.

    3e. Turret
    Similarly to Seeker mine, the turret could become a tad bit too powerful with high Skill Power builds, to the point where it would be almost invulnerable in PvP. We will make a few adjustments by reducing its range and health, but preserve the damage output, to make sure it keeps its role as a side damage companion when used with proper positioning, rather than a long-range damage beast.

    4. Exotic Weapon changes

    4a. Historian
    The Historian was meant to allow a new type of playstyle based on skill power. It was an experiment testing the boundaries of what the pros and cons of certain builds should be. What we observed though was that it was completely removing challenge of skill builds, giving them a great weapon to use while having to invest nothing into other stats than their Skill Power focused ones. The Historian is now changed to be a weapon centered around the Firearms stat, a place where damage scaling with your build investment feels more natural.

    4b. Caduceus
    The Caduceus was meant to create a low grade sustained healing role, useful for situations where you have constant low-grade damage. A few adjustments will be made to make sure it fills that role and isn’t being abused. It will receive a cooldown on how often it can hit each player, to prevent a group to stack multiple users of caduceus, creating too much healing per second. Secondly, it was being used predominantly to sustain by almost every type of build, making it dangerously close to a “must pick”, something we want to avoid. To that effect, the healing amount now scales with skill power, putting the weapon in the support-player niche.

    5. Survivability

    5a. Added base health
    On PTS 2 we revamped how health worked. There are answers in our health FAQ on why: http://forums.ubi.com/showthread.php...nges-explained While the reduced Health amounts on major bonuses were good for build diversity, we feel we should go a little higher with the base health a player has in the end game, and have increased that by around 37%.

    5b. Medkits
    Medkits gained utility already on PTS 1 in that they can cleanse status effects. On the other hand, they also lost a little utility since they could no longer overheal. This was done to equalize the length of PvP encounters and address situations where the user sustained through PvE encounters using med packs without having to think about cover or tactics. We do want to try out reducing the cooldown on medkits again since we suspect that the changes even out in themselves and do perhaps not require a longer cooldown after all.

    6. Seeker gear set
    After trying out two versions of this gear set and evaluating players’ feedback as well as statistics we have decided not to release the S.E.E.K.R. gear set in its current form. Its effect wasn’t unique enough, its use clear enough for players and it wasn’t quite fun enough to play with. It will be remove from the game with PTS 3.

    7. Legendary
    While Legendary mode was a bit less in the spotlight during this PTS phase, we did receive a lot of great feedback on it. One of the main concern however was that it was often deemed as too punishing due to the lack of checkpoints, especially for a group dying in the last encounter. There will now be one checkpoint in each Legendary mission. However, in order to preserve some level of punishing aspect of late wiping, the checkpoint is added approximately halfway through the mission.

    These are some of the main learning and changes to expect with PTS 3. We hope these will address the main feedback and concerns that we have received from all of you following the two phases of PTS. Once again, your feedback is crucial to shape this update, so we hope for just the same level of investment with the next phase!
    Vaal75, Morrfo, glorfindel y 2 otros les gusta esto.
  10. Justerini55

    Justerini55 Capitán de Tropa

    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Madre seguimos con los palos de ciego , van a necesitas 15 pts jajaka sigo viendo como parte positiva la intención de pulir y conseguir equilibrio y variedad aunque les este costando ,con suerte nos llega un producto "decente" y balanceado

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    A avalaaancha y SkArPoX les gusta esto.
  11. SkArPoX

    SkArPoX Agente The Division

    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Veo buenos cambios, espero que funcionen como esperan. Y bueno era de esperar que fundieran el set del Buscador. Fue un cambio muy drastico del poder que tenian a no servir para nada. Aumentaron la salud base en alrededor de un 37%, meten un punto de control a la mitad de las misiones en legendaria. Pondran un sistema para prevenir que sane a un solo jugador superponiendo varias estaciones de salud. Entre otras cosas, parece que estara bien, veremos a la hora de probarlos mañana.
    A avalaaancha y Justerini55 les gusta esto.
  12. avalaaancha

    avalaaancha Salón de la Fama

    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Déjalos, que den los palos de ciego que quieran mientras que cuando salga, salga bien, por mi parte que tarden lo que tengan que tardar....
  13. Gromenauer

    Gromenauer Moderador Miembro del equipo

    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Que tarden lo que quieran, pero que no recorten, si eliminan Seeker que pongan otro.

    Y siguen sin decir nada del balanceo del loot, que hoy he hecho Halcón Caído en heroico y me han soltado unos guantes a 875....
    A Morrfo y avalaaancha les gusta esto.
  14. BOA_Lermi

    BOA_Lermi Capitán de Tropa

    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Alguien sabe cuando sale este nuevo pts?

    Gracias y saludos.

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  15. Justerini55

    Justerini55 Capitán de Tropa

    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Yo creo que salía hoy no? En un rato estará el sotg

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  16. glorfindel

    glorfindel Azote de Rikers

    Me Gusta recibidos:
    De 2000 fenix pasamos a 5000. Una buena noticia
    Vaal75, yojuhomi, Isaacmg y otra persona les gusta esto.
  17. Txalata

    Txalata Capitán de Tropa

    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Solución Salomónica...

    The SEEKR set is removed from PTS and 1.6

    Legendarias pero no tanto...

    Added one checkpoint to each Legendary Mission. (About halfway through the mission)
    Última edición: 2 Feb 2017
  18. torresvaro

    torresvaro Agente Famosillo

    Me Gusta recibidos:
    También subirán los precios de los productos seguro, por eso esa subida de fénix

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    A glorfindel le gusta esto.
  19. Vaal75

    Vaal75 Agente Famosillo

    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Y que vendan artículos que merezcan la pena. Saludos
  20. torresvaro

    torresvaro Agente Famosillo

    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Eso también jajaj porque solo venden morralla

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